Long breaks from school are what college students look forward to every semester. The time is nearing where students leave their stresses behind, experience long summer nights and plan trips to the beach. We all dream of being free from responsibility, but balance is key. Balancing your summer break with free time and productive days will allow you to relax from school while also feeling accomplished.
One way to stay productive is to pick up a part-time job. Since part-time jobs take up fewer hours a week than a full-time job, they give you the opportunity to split your weeks between complete freedom and productive work days. After all, who wouldn’t enjoy earning a bit of extra income?
If you’re a college student, here are some benefits of working a part-time job this summer:
The extra money
I’m sure we can all agree that the most attractive benefit of a part time job is the payout. Earning money through your own hard work and efforts leaves you with a rewarding and accomplished feeling. Wouldn’t you rather spend your own, hard-earned money than go through the trouble to ask your parents for some cash? We thought so too.
The job experience
Summer part-time jobs, especially ones in the career field you plan to join, are experiences you can brag about on your resume. This position may even open doors for you and leave you with great connections for your future. Gain some real job exposure with part-time jobs that can benefit your career.
Time management
Working a part-time job can allow you to practice your time management skills and teach you to juggle between multiple tasks efficiently.
Interpersonal skills
Working in teams can teach you valuable interpersonal skills such as coordination, collaboration, and communication. These are all skills that will become important in your career field and other job experiences you have in the future.
Earning your own cash can boost your self-confidence. Trust us, you will be proud of your own achievements.
New connections
Part-time jobs give you access to a network of people who may become friends, peers or mentors in your life. Building and maintaining relationships are how people are able to take advantage of more opportunities and advance in their careers.